Friday, August 5, 2011

Where to Find the Best Dorm Supplies Online is set to be featured today on a back-to-school segment, hosted Mal Pearson, style and beauty guide and featured guest on the nationally syndicated show, The Daily Buzz. Pearson has named this website the only place to shop for dorm supplies.

Of course, I had to check out for myself. There, I found virtually anything and everything a college student could possibly need for dorm life. As they say, they are the "#1 source of quality, affordable, & attractive dorm stuff all year long".

Where else can you buy dorm supplies online? -  "Masters of your dormain." -  They will help check items off your shopping list. - Great discounts on college supplies.

Dorm supply websites will help you shop for all of the items on your shopping list in one place. There are many places where you can buy your supplies online, but these are just a few of the best. But, according to Mal Pearson, is the only place to shop for your dorm supplies online.

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