Friday, December 6, 2013

Banish the Winter Blues with Natural Light

Improving your home to improve your mood

It's that time of year again: Are you starting to feel sad as the long winter sets in? SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) is a common occurrence during the winter season, even for those of us who are normally happy.

By letting in the natural light - or, as much as you can get during the shorter days - you might begin to feel happier. At least, you might feel less sad. To let in more natural light:

  • Take advantage of south-facing windows by opening curtains to let in natural light while you are home.
  • Hang sheer curtains to let in more natural light, while maintaining some of your privacy.
  • Install skylights and sun tunnels to bring light into the home through the ceiling. Plus, you will save money on electricity and heating costs.

These are just a few of the ways you can banish the winter blues with natural light. Read this article on ways to bring natural light into the home for more ideas.

Copyright: Muffet /

Other ways to banish the winter blues with home improvement:

  • Rearrange furniture for a fresh perspective in your home.
  • Buy something new, even if it is inexpensive: artwork, a vase, flowers, a rug, or even a candle. 
  • Add a splash of color to the living area, from a vibrant set of curtains to a new wall paint color.

What do you do to lift your spirits in the dead of winter, when SAD begins to set in?

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